Organising team

Norbert Götz

Norbert Götz is a professor at the Institute of Contemporary History, Södertörn University | Stockholm, Sweden, and member of the ReNEW steering group. He has broadly worked on Nordic political culture, including entanglements of Norden and the Baltic Sea region, but also on general topics such as humanitarianism and moral economy.

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Joakim Ekman

Joakim Ekman is a professor of Political Science, with a special focus on the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe, at the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES), Södertörn University. His research interests comprise democratisation, public opinion and political participation.

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Steffen Werther

Steffen Werther is Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Contemporary History at Södertörn University with a PhD in Modern History from Stockholm University. His research interests include scientific racism, far right memory politics, veteran studies, and the history of humanitarianism.

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Jessica Karlén

Yechidah Jessica Karlén is a Project Manager at the department for Communication and Public Relations at Södertörn University and a part of the administrative support for the conference. Her interests include sustainable urbanization and democratic development of art in public spaces through collaboration, leadership and co-creation.

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Vít Kysilka

Administrative support for the conference. Responsibility for the conference webpage. Administrative officer at the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES), Södertörn University.

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